Blog index

Friday, 31 December 2021

Thursday, 30 December 2021

31 December 2021 - Hogmanay the Pig’s Big Night In: A Yule moot


31 December 2021 - Hogmanay the Pig’s Big Night In: A Yule moot

Bring in the New Year in Middle-earth, a social gathering event for the Free Peoples of Laurelin, hosted by Ranatuor and Hogmanay the Pig!

Saturday, 25 December 2021

What is the Green Book of the White Downs?

Many will have heard of the "Red Book of Westmarch", but few will likely have heard of the "Green Book of the White Downs"...

This obscure text, now located in the library of the Great Smials [1] and watched over by Donnamira Took [2], was the work of two explorers from very different backgrounds. One a Hobbit, born and bred in the Shire town of Michel Delving, the other an elder Elf, lost to her family for a long, long time but now joyfully reunited with her kith and kin. Together they formed an unusual friendship grounded in their love of old places, creatures and culture. As they wandered Middle-earth they took notes, made drawings, gathered information.

And so, after many years of exploration, and plentiful adventures, the authors settled down to document their tales and share their knowledge. This work became known as the "Green Book of the White Downs."


Wednesday, 25 August 2021

In the footsteps of Tolkien - Celebrating Heritage across the UK in September: Tolkien events


Celebrating Heritage across the UK in September: Tolkien events

Every year* the country opens its doors to many cultural institutions, historic buildings and other places not usually open to the general public.  

Gaming in Middle-earth - State of play August 2021 report


State of play August 2021 report

Gaming set within J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth is still in a strong place. Currently there are board games, card games, roleplaying games, mobile games and PC/console games either available or in production.

Mid-August updates: Imaldris, Gaming in Middle-earth and Ninimiel’s gossip

 Late July update here

I have created updated blog posts for the following:

Tuesday, 3 August 2021

The Tolkien license – exploring where the Tolkien Estate, Middle-earth Enterprises, games, television, films, Tolkien-based societies/groups and other things fit in.

The Tolkien license – exploring where the Tolkien Estate, Middle-earth Enterprises, games, television, films, Tolkien-based societies/groups and other things fit in.

[Writer note: This was originally posted as a Twitter thread in response to a continued misinformation campaign against the Tolkien Society, the Amazon TV series and other licensing issues such as confusion over games set in Middle-earth. The original Twitter thread can be found here: Please note the information here has been cleaned up and updated with new information just revealed about the Amazon TV series access to material.]

There is confusion and sometimes maliciously intentional misinformation regarding the various entities involved with Tolkien. I am hoping this blog post will clarify some details. I'll follow a chronological order as much as I can.

Tuesday, 27 July 2021

Thoughts on the release of the Tolkien Society Summer Seminar videos and push-back against the online small-minded backlash around the event

“Eärendil the Mariner” by Adrian Bara

With much anticipation and jubilation, the
Tolkien Society have uploaded the videos from their Summer Seminar to their YouTube channel.

You can view them here:

The Seminar details can be still found here:

Monday, 26 July 2021

Late July updates: Imaldris and Ninimiel’s gossip


Apologies, I’ve fallen a little behind on posts, so this one will cover both news updates from Imaldris (Tolkien-related news) and also Ninimiel’s gossip (LOTRO-related news). I’ll keep it short and concise, for ease of viewing.

Monday, 19 July 2021

Tolkien-related book releases – 2021 and beyond (Part Two)


Tolkien-related book releases – 2021 and beyond (Part Two)

The following is an updated list of expected Tolkien-related book releases for 2021 (so far).

Please let me know of any mistakes, omissions or additions. Thanks to the usual crowd of people who help keep me updated.

A blog post covering the releases earlier this year is still available here (just in case you missed any releases):

Monday, 5 July 2021

Tolkien-focused calls for papers - conferences/seminars and publications

Tolkien scholarship and research: 
Calls for papers for publication and presentation at conferences/seminars

List of Publishers, Organisations and Events:

Over on the Tolkienists website is a great list of conferences:

Sunday, 18 April 2021

“The Other MMORPG” - the history of the demise of the Amazon/Leyou online game


“The Other MMORPG” - the history of the demise of the Amazon/Leyou online game

Ninimiel’s gossip – LOTRO news from the Falathlorn’s Town Crier #002


Ninimiel’s gossip – LOTRO news from the Falathlorn’s Town Crier #002

Ninimiel* is one of LOTRO’s Town Criers, helpfully not being that helpful from the Falathlorn Homesteads. In an occasional series of updates, he’ll bring you the latest news about LOTRO.

Saturday, 10 April 2021

Ninimiel’s gossip – LOTRO news from the Falathlorn’s Town Crier #001


Ninimiel’s gossip – LOTRO news from the Falathlorn’s Town Crier #001

Ninimiel* is one of LOTRO’s Town Criers, helpfully not being that helpful from the Falathlorn Homesteads. In an occasional series of updates, he’ll bring you the latest news about LOTRO.

Tuesday, 6 April 2021

The Week Behind, and what lies ahead – Issue 07 | 6 April 2021

Issue 007 | 6 April 2021

Welcome to newsletter seven looking at the Tolkien-related news from the previous week and what is coming up in the week(s) ahead.

Bilbo woke with the early sun in his eyes by J.R.R. Tolkien. On the 25th March by the Shire Reckoning, the Great Eagles rescue Frodo and Sam from Mount Doom.

Welcome to Rana’s Homely Houses!


Welcome to Rana’s Homely Houses!

 “…’a perfect house, whether you like food or sleep or story-telling or singing, or just sitting and thinking best, or a pleasant mixture of them all.' Merely to be there was a cure for weariness, fear, and sadness.” 
- a Bilbo quote retold by Frodo whilst in Rivendell, “Many Meetings” (Book 2, Chapter 1), The Fellowship of the Rings. The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien.

Sunday, 21 March 2021

The Week Behind, and what lies ahead – Issue 06 | 21 March 2021

Issue 006 | 21 March 2021

Welcome to “The week behind, and what lies ahead” - a newsletter looking at Tolkien-related news from the previous week and what is coming up in the week(s) ahead.

King Brand and King DáinIronfoot” by Steamey. By Shire-Reckoning, both Brand and Dáin fall at the Battle of Dale. When his friend fell, the Dwarven king stood with his axe, defending the body until he also is killed.

Sunday, 14 March 2021

The Week Behind, and what lies ahead – Issue 05 | 14 March 2021


Issue 005 | 14 March 2021

Welcome to your newsletter looking at the Tolkien-related news from the previous week and what is coming up in the week(s) ahead.

Eight legs nightmare by Jian Guo. This week by the Shire-Reckoning, Sam uses Sting and the Phial of Galadriel to fend off Shelob’s attack.

Sunday, 7 March 2021

The Week Behind, and what lies ahead – Issue 04 | 7 March 2021


Issue 004 | 7 March 2021

Welcome to newsletter four looking at the Tolkien-related news from the previous week and what is coming up in the week(s) ahead.

Wrath of the Ents by Ted Nasmith. This week by the Shire Reckoning, the Ents attack Isengard.

Sunday, 28 February 2021

The Week Behind, and what lies ahead – Issue 03 | 28 February 2021


Issue 003 | 28 February 2021

Welcome to the third newsletter looking at the Tolkien-related news from the previous week and what is coming up in the week(s) ahead.

Sunday, 21 February 2021

The Week Behind, and what lies ahead – Issue 02 | 21 February 2021


Issue 002 | 21 February 2021

Welcome to the second of a series of newsletters looking at the Tolkien-related news from the previous week and what is coming up in the week(s) ahead.

LOTROStream Q&A with Severlin and Cordovan – Friday 19 February 2021 - notes


LOTROStream Q&A with Severlin and Cordovan – Friday 19 February 2021 - notes

On Friday 19 February 2021 SSG Executive Producer Severlin (Rob Ciccolini) and Community Manager Cordovan (Jerry Snook) held a Q&A with the LOTRO community on via the LOTROstream.

Like with the recent world building chat Scenario (Matt Elliot) did, I’ve taken some notes (less extensive this time) and you can read them below.

As usual, any errors are my own, apologies in advance.

Monday, 15 February 2021

The Week Behind, and what lies ahead – Issue 01 | 15 February 2021

Issue 001 | 15 February 2021

Welcome to the first of a series of newsletters looking at the Tolkien-related news from the previous week and what is coming up in the week(s) ahead.

Tuesday, 9 February 2021

Gaming news: Free League’s The One Ring: Roleplaying in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth comes to Kickstarter on 11 February 2021


Ten years ago, the fantastic One Ring RPG by Cubicle 7 was released to critical acclaim. Just over one year ago Cubicle 7 dropped the One Ring RPG license. Today has been a great day for fans waiting news of the new One Ring RPG coming from Free League. Early this morning Francesco Nepitello posted the following hint at what was coming: