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Saturday, 26 December 2020

The Winter Fayre - an update

The Winter Fayre - an update

Sunday 27th December 2020

The main blog for the Winter Fayre is here.
The blog about all my events 2020-2021 is located here.

I’m keeping this flexible. I intend to be around after lunch (2pm GMT or 09.00 /servertime). There will be people I believe arriving for the usual event time start, 8pm GMT (15.00 /servertime) also.

If I can plan far enough ahead for the 2021 Winter Fayre, maybe we can have timetabled performances and more organisation. That’s the future.

The Winter Fayre is designed as a collaborative creative event. I have made a space, an island kin house in Gondor, where we can run various things. I am hoping we can showcase some of what Laurelin does best – crafting for each other, the markets, music, storytelling.

You will be able to meet and socialise with players you may only have chatted to before. We share the space and create, it’s up to you with some guidance from me.

Tol Lochul, Cugumar, Belfalas Homesteads 

Island layout:
This map shows you the general layout of the Island of Lost Plays and where facilities are located. 

(click >>here<< for a larger image)

All craft facilities are inside the Hall of Craft.

The Visiting Banker and Supplier Horn are in the entrance hall along with the Forge, Oven and Workbench. The Farming Garden is in the east wing. The Study is upstairs along with another Supplier Horn. There are also an Ingredient Crate and a Premium Ingredient Crate in that room.

Traders Market:
There are stalls to use, a picnic area and other facilities to help with RP. 

There is a Stage in the Traders Market area. the Court is great for musicians and other performers. There is also a themed storytelling area just below the Court, set out with Lossoth items around a Feast Day Cookfire. 

When not helping craft wooden items, I’ll be wandering around, chatting to guests and performing short tales based on Winter animals and perhaps a few riddles to solve.

The island is yours, the Winter Fayre is here…


Thank you to all the people who have got in touch about this event. I truly appreciate the kind words and support.


For the Lossoth storytelling, I’ve gone with the Arctic Trap/per look as created by the LOTRO Stylist:

For general Wintry Fireside Tales storytelling, I’ve gone with Hymne’s Ranger of the North look:

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