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Thursday, 24 December 2020

A Winter Fayre – Sunday 27 December 2020


A Winter Fayre – a RP-lite social, crafting and storytelling event

“Winter is coming, the pigs are getting fat, please put some silver into the crafter’s hand.”

As winter slowly creeps into every corner, perhaps now is a good time to gather your goods, step onto the road and join others at the first Winters Fayre.

This socialcrafting and RP-lite event will be held on the Island of Lost Plays. There you will find a hall of crafting, an outside market venue, a space to relax, a court of music and merriment and also a few surprises.

This is the first of several planned events through the winter and into 2021. You can see those plans >>here<<

You are cordially invited to bring your wares, your ingredients and yourselves to my island for merriment and trade.


As are all my events, this should be considered RP-lite. You may of course RP to your heart's content on the island, but please note others will be there who do not RP and will be what is considered out of character. The storytelling sessions I run always try to use lore and RP to involve people from all walks of life and interests.


This event is about your participation. I can provide some entertainment, storytelling and music, but this is about us all spending time away from questing and such, socialising with people you may have never met in person and having a little fun together.

It would be wonderful if people could take part to bring this event alive as:


Without your participation, this event won’t work. Please message me, Ranatuor, in-game if you are interested in helping during this event.

Island zones

Traders Market
On the eastern side of the island lies a small farm and a traders market has arrived. There is also a small stage for performances of music and storytelling.

Crafting Hall
The Hall of Craft has all the essentials you’ll need for working your magic.

Reflection, Picnic, Orchard and Play
Nestled in the western side of the island are beautiful gazebos, reflection pools and a picnic area. This is a perfect spot for kite flying, the wind is just right. Here a maypole invites participants to dance and perhaps some will partake in a spot of fishing?

Training wing
The west wing of the Hall of Craft will be dedicated to martial skills. A weapons display will accompany a training dummy to test your skills on. It is quite possible players will wish to spar here too. Please be courteous when asking others to join in.

A Little Fishy for my Dishy
We will be on an island, surrounded by sea. I hope to run a small fishing competition whilst the market is taking place. Details to be determined soon.

Tales from the fireside: Lossoth & Northern Middle-earth Storytelling area
Just north of the western tip of the island lies a small bit of winter in Gondor. Here are items given by the Lossoth and placed around a campfire, all so we can listen to tales of the Frozen North and the natural wonders that inhabit there. 

Court of music & play
Just east of the Lossoth camp is the Court. Here musicians can gather audiences in a seated area, though hopefully the music will get people on their feet to dance!

Beacon on the hill
Atop the highest peak on the island lies the Beacon, which can be lit in times of mourning, remembrance and also in happiness. 

Rana’s wandering storytelling
During the first Winters Fayre, when I am not in the Lossoth camp, I will wander around, hopefully bringing some short tales to those who stop and listen.

The Winters Fayre Essentials

Tol Lochul, Cugumar, Belfalas Homesteads.

Getting here
Tol Lochul is one of the islands within the Belfalas Homsteads. It’s a premium housing area and so we are limited to how people can get here. 
Low-levels cannot be summoned from inside the housing area nor from outside the gate.

So there are two options:

If there are unoccupied houses still in Cugumar, then you can visit one of those from the Bree Boar Fountain by talking to the Cape of Belfalas Housing vendorNothwen, and selecting “purchase house” (Don’t panic, you don’t have to buy a house to come), finding an unsold house in the Cugumar neighbourhood, selecting one and clicking “Tour house.” You’ll then have to ride down to the main docks where you take the left quay and boat to get to the island. I’ll try to be on hand to help those who get lost.

The downside to this route is that once all houses in the neighbourhood go, you can’t use it as a way to access the area. I have chatted to Cordovan about opening up more options, fingers crossed SSG will consider the potential for RP in the premium housing and make it freely accessible in the future. 

If you own a house in the starter homesteads (Falathlorn Thorin’s Halls, Bree-land, Shire) you can use the Far Reaching Stables to get to Cape of Belfalas Housing Neighbourhood (under Western Gondor at the bottom of the stable-master list). If you do not own any Gondor housing (and not unlocked the stables for there), this will cost you 1 Mithril Coin (1 MC) to unlock the route. The good thing is this is open to any level as far as I know and once unlocked, the route stays unlocked, but only from the chosen starting point.

For now this is the best option and I plan to run more events from the island in the future, so it isn’t a wasted Mithril Coin. I wish it cost nothing, but we are bound to what SSG do with their housing. 

Hall Crafting locations
Downstairs – Entrance Hall: WorkbenchOvenForgeSupplier HornVisiting Banker Downstairs – West Wing: Farming Garden
Downstairs – East Wing: Training Hall (under construction)
Upstairs: Study, Supplier Horn 

Trading and prices
This will be down to you. I hope people will ask fair prices for their goods and I expect all trading to be done politely. Personally, if someone has the required ingredients for an item I can craft, I’ll just be making it. I don’t play LOTRO to make monetary gain, I play it to socialise and have fun. But that is my own choice, others are welcome to sell at this market and chose their prices. That is not something I will interfere with, though I am hopeful people will be both kind with their sales and generous with their gifts to the crafters. 

Expected Behaviour aka "No upsetting the apple cart"
This is a social event at a private residence, so please remember you are an invited guest. I expect people to be polite, courteous and help create a friendly atmosphere at this event, where I welcome all to the island. Any threatening behaviour, trolling, abuse or general unpleasantness will not be tolerated. Such a person will be barred entry to the island and hall, as well as being reported to SSG. It takes a lot of effort to prepare and run these events, I am grateful for those who attend and have fun, so I will not tolerate anyone trying to ruin the hard work gone into it. Thank you for understanding.

On the slight chance a family situation causes me to postpone the event, I will communicate as quickly as possible.  

Thank you,

I look forward to seeing you at the Island of Lost Plays* and hope this the event is the beginning of similar ones in the future.

You are more than welcome to visit the island before and after this event. It is open to guests all year round but especially when events happen.

* There’s a tale behind that name too, perhaps not in the telling this time round.

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