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Saturday, 8 July 2023

Migrations and monuments: Part 1 - Awakenings

Migrations and monuments: the story of the First Age in Eriador and Rhovanion

“Migrations and monuments” quick links:

Contents | Introduction | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 |
Part 7 Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Conclusion | Addendum 1 |
Addendum 2 | Bibliography

📗 Part 1] The Years of the Trees and Years of the Sun: Awakenings

 “The First Age begins with the Awaking and ends with the Downfall of Angband.”

 -- J.R.R. Tolkien, The Nature of Middle-earth (Part One: Time and Ageing)

If you look at timelines, the beginning of the First Age seems straightforward. However, it’s a little more complicated. You can read some of why on the Tolkien Gateway here. The conclusion drawn there is that the First Age begins with the Awakening of the first (Elder) Children of Ilúvatar, the Elves, at Cuiviénen in Y.T. 1050, but the convention used is that the Years of Trees is 1500 years long and the following Years of Sun/First Age is 590 years long. So please note F.A. 1 is does not signify the first year of the First Age. 

📜 First Age Timeline
📜 Years of Trees (Y.T.)
📜 Years of Sun (Y.S.)
📜 First Age (F.A.) 

F.A. 1 is however a significant date, when the Moon and Sun rise for the first time, and marking the awakening of the second (younger) of the Children of Ilúvatar, Men at Hildórien. Thousands of years lie between the two awakenings and in that time (some of) the Elves have heeded the call to the West, Melkor/Morgoth (with the aid of Ungoliant) has killed the Two Trees of Valinor and stolen the Silmarils. He then returned to Beleriand. Fëanor, who crafted the Silmarils, brought an army of Elves across the Sea and war was waged upon Morgoth. The awakening of Men eventually shifts the dynamic of the Wars in Beleriand and also leads Morgoth to look east to further his manipulation of Middle-earth.

Whilst Beleriand will see the brunt of the wars that lead to the defeat of Morgoth, in Eriador and Rhovanion we see population movement and settlement, sometimes in reaction to Morgoth. In terms of order of that settlement, the Elves appear first, then the Dwarves and finally the Men (including Hobbits). Before we examine all of these, there is one being we should include because his “settlement” precludes all others.

📜 Part 2] Middle-earth’s first dweller: Tom Bombadil

“Migrations and monuments” quick links:

Contents | Introduction | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 |
Part 7 Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Conclusion | Addendum 1 |
Addendum 2 | Bibliography

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