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Saturday, 8 July 2023

Migrations and monuments: Addendum 2

Migrations and monuments: the story of the First Age in Eriador and Rhovanion

“Migrations and monuments” quick links:

Contents | Introduction | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 |
Part 7 Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Conclusion | Addendum 1 |
Addendum 2 | Bibliography

📗 Addendum 2] “Elf-haven” – Elves in the south

The Tolkien Gateway notes on Elf settlement within Gondor that appears near to the end of the First Age, that of Edhellond as a place of refuge for seafaring Sindarin elves following disasters in Beleriand. Christopher Tolkien writes in the “Unfinished Tales” that:

“The place of the Elvish haven in Belfalas is marked with the name Edhellond (‘Elf-haven’, see the Appendix to The Silmarillion under edhel and londë) on the decorated map of Middle-earth by Pauline Baynes; but I have found no other occurrence of this name. See Appendix D, p. 339. Cf. The Adventures of Tom Bombadil (1962), p. 8: ‘In the Langstrand and Dol Amroth there were many traditions of the ancient Elvish dwellings, and of the haven at the mouth of the Morthond from which “westward ships” had sailed as far back as the fall of Eregion in the Second Age.’”

-- J.R.R. Tolkien, Unfinished Tales (Part Two: The Second Age, IV: The History of Galadriel and Celeborn, Footnote 18)

It is near Edhellond that the sad tale of Amroth and Nimrodel takes place.

📜 Bibliography

“Migrations and monuments” quick links:

Contents | Introduction | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 |
Part 7 Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Conclusion | Addendum 1 |
Addendum 2 | Bibliography

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