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Monday, 26 December 2022

The Wandering Company: LOTRO Scenario’s path through Middle-earth

Logos are copyright SSG and created by their team for Matt’s “Casual Stroll through…” series.
‘“It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out of your door,” he used to say. “You step into the Road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there is no knowing where you might be swept off to.’

 --- Frodo remembering Bilbo’s words, “The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring” (Book I, Chapter III: Three is Company).

📜 Updated: 17 November 2024

On the 17th of February 2021 the “Senior World Designer”, Matt Elliot (Dev name “Scenario”), for Standing Stone Games ran a live chat about Update 29: Wildwood and discussed landscape in The Lord of the Rings Online. It was a fascinating and enlightening look at how SSG approach, and how their approach has changed over the years, world building and we learned some of the technical updates SSG were adding to improve landscape.

You can find my partial transcript of that chat here.

Following that first chat, Matt expressed an interest in continuing these developer looks at the landscape across the maps of Middle-earth and so the series “A Casual Stroll through…” began. The order Matt visited the locations was voted in by the LOTRO players via the SSG forums.

Below is an A to Z of locations Matt has visited so far with a logo plus YouTube and Twitch links where available. Matt always livestreams on Twitch first and uploads to YouTube later, when possible.

I've mirrored the below A to Z on the Official forums here and will update both blog and thread:
📔 [Guide] The Wandering Company: LOTRO Scenario’s path through Middle-earth | The Lord of the Rings Online Forums

📝 A to Z 

A casual Stroll through Ambarûl (Legacy of Morgoth)

A casual stroll through Angmar

 A casual stroll through Arnor

A casual stroll through Breeland

A casual stroll through Cardolan

A casual stroll through Carn Dum and King's Gondor

A Casual Stroll Through Central and Eastern Gondor

A Casual Stroll Through Dagorlad and the Dead Marshes


A casual stroll through the Dale-lands

A casual stroll through Dunland

A casual stroll through the East-Marches of Rohan

A casual stroll through Enedwaith

A casual stroll through Ered Luin

A casual stroll through Eregion

A casual stroll through Eryn Lasgalen and the Lands of Dale

A casual stroll through Evendim

A Casual Stroll Through Far Anorien and Minas Tirith

A casual stroll through Forochel

A Casual Stroll through the Frozen Lands of Middle-earth

A casual stroll through the Great River

A casual stroll through Gundabad


A casual stroll through Housing

A Casual Stroll Through Imhûlar (Legacy of Morgoth)

A Casual Stroll through Ithilien and Osgiliath

A casual stroll through Khûd Zagin (Legacy of Morgoth)

A casual stroll through King's Gondor
    A casual stroll through the Legacy of Morgoth Instances

    A casual stroll through the Lone-lands

    **There is a Gundabad preview at the end**

    A casual stroll through Lothlorien

    A Casual Stroll through Lyndelby Homesteads

    A casual stroll through the Misty Mountains

    A Casual Stroll Through Mordor

    A casual stroll through Moria

    A casual stroll through the North Downs

    A Casual Stroll through Outer Gondor

    A Casual Stroll through the Paths of the Dead

    A Casual Stroll Through The Cartography of Shagâna (Legacy of Morgoth)

    A Casual Stroll through the Shield Isles

    A casual stroll through the Shire

    A casual stroll through Southern Mirkwood

    A Casual Stroll through the Strongholds of the North

    A casual stroll through Swanfleet

    A casual stroll through the Trollshaws

    A Casual Stroll through Umbar

    A Casual Stroll through Umbar-môkh
    A Casual Stroll Through Urash Dâr

    A casual stroll through the West-Marches of Rohan

    A Casual Stroll Through Wildermore

    A casual stroll through Wildwood (U29 preview)

    A casual stroll through Yondershire

    ⛔ Need Assets

    Below is a list of missing assets for the series: logos and YouTube uploads.

    Missing YouTube upload:

    • A casual stroll through Dunland
    • A casual stroll through Enedwaith
    • A casual stroll through the Misty Mountains
    • A casual stroll through Yondershire 

    Missing logos:

    • A casual stroll through Ambarûl (Legacy of Morgoth)
    • A casual stroll through Angmar
    • A casual stroll through Cardolan
    • A casual stroll through Gundabad
    • A casual stroll through Forochel
    • A casual stroll through the Legacy of Morgoth Instances
    • A casual stroll through Urash Dâr
    • A casual stroll through Wildwood (Preview – first video)

    Newly added (17/11/24):

    • Strongholds of the North
    • Lyndelby Homesteads
    • Wildermore
    • King's Gondor
    • Outer Gondor
    • Shield Isles
    • Umbar
    • Frozen Lands
    • Paths of the Dead
    • Central and Eastern Gondor
    • Ithilien and Osgiliath
    • Dagorlad and the Dead Marshes
    • Far Anorien and Minas Tirith
    • Mordor
    • Umbar-môkh
    • Legacy of Morgoth: Khûd Zagin
    • Legacy of Morgoth: Ambarûl
    • Legacy of Morgoth: Imhûlar
    • Legacy of Morgoth InstancesLegacy of Morgoth: Urash Dâr
    • Legacy of Morgoth: The Cartography of Shagâna


    📜 Footnotes:

    Wandering Companies were part of Tolkien lore, as detailed in the Tolkien Gateway here.

    An article by Justin Olivetti looking at Scenario’s series:
    LOTRO Legendarium: 23 LOTROfacts I learned from Scenario’s Casual Stroll video series

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