Blog index

Wednesday, 25 August 2021

In the footsteps of Tolkien - Celebrating Heritage across the UK in September: Tolkien events


Celebrating Heritage across the UK in September: Tolkien events

Every year* the country opens its doors to many cultural institutions, historic buildings and other places not usually open to the general public.  

Gaming in Middle-earth - State of play August 2021 report


State of play August 2021 report

Gaming set within J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth is still in a strong place. Currently there are board games, card games, roleplaying games, mobile games and PC/console games either available or in production.

Mid-August updates: Imaldris, Gaming in Middle-earth and Ninimiel’s gossip

 Late July update here

I have created updated blog posts for the following:

Tuesday, 3 August 2021

The Tolkien license – exploring where the Tolkien Estate, Middle-earth Enterprises, games, television, films, Tolkien-based societies/groups and other things fit in.

The Tolkien license – exploring where the Tolkien Estate, Middle-earth Enterprises, games, television, films, Tolkien-based societies/groups and other things fit in.

[Writer note: This was originally posted as a Twitter thread in response to a continued misinformation campaign against the Tolkien Society, the Amazon TV series and other licensing issues such as confusion over games set in Middle-earth. The original Twitter thread can be found here: Please note the information here has been cleaned up and updated with new information just revealed about the Amazon TV series access to material.]

There is confusion and sometimes maliciously intentional misinformation regarding the various entities involved with Tolkien. I am hoping this blog post will clarify some details. I'll follow a chronological order as much as I can.