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Saturday, 30 January 2021

Gaming in Middle-earth update January 2021


Gaming in Middle-earth update January 2021

As we move forward into 2021, gaming in the world of Tolkien’s Middle-earth is still in a great place. There is a varied choice of games with new products being released. There has been company changes (most dramatically in the One Ring’s case from Cubicle 7 to Fri Ligan) and potentially some lines being completed, but there is also several new unreleased games on the horizon.

Below is a round up of what is still being produced, I’ll look into each in more detail in future blogs. This lists paper & pen RPG, board games and computer/console games.

Please note, my main focus is on games with the licence from JRR Tolkien’s books, and not the Peter Jackson films.

Saturday, 23 January 2021

Tolkien-related book releases – 2021 and beyond


Tolkien-related book releases – 2021 and beyond

The following is a list of expected Tolkien-related book releases for 2021 (so far).

Thank you to Steve Hopkins for helping collect the information.

I’ll do my best to regularly update the blog here over the year. I also post this information over on the Tolkien Society Facebook page,

Monday, 18 January 2021

Ranatuor's Lore - Official LOTRO Events Schedule 2021

Official LOTRO Events Schedule (2021)

On the LOTRO Official forums SSG Community Manager, Cordovan, keeps a forum thread updated regarding official LOTRO events in-game. It's currently updated to the end of 2021 for the main festivals and bonuses. Below I have collated that information into an easy-to-read format.

Please note Midsummer was the new annual festival added in 2020 (linked with the Great Wedding in Minas Tirith) which led to the Summer and Farmers Faire merging as one festival. Tokens for that combined festival are Farmers Faire.

I have provided links for each of main events to the indispensable LOTRO Wiki, which has a page for the special events here.

For a list of my own social/RP-lite events for 2021, please check here.

Sunday, 10 January 2021

Appreciating the Squirrels in LOTRO (2021 update)

 Appreciating the Squirrels in LOTRO (2021 update)

Black Squirrel of Mirkwood

Sunday, 3 January 2021

RANA’S LORE | Crafting a tale in Lord of the Rings Online – Part One: A Fox’s Tail


RANA’S LORE | Crafting a tale in Lord of the Rings Online – Part One: A Fox’s Tail
Using RP-lite to create player content in a MMORPG

Blog design updates for 2021


For 2021, I’ve decided to bring the design of the various sections in line with each other and a bit more simple. Each has their own logo, font and colour. I am happy with the sections from previous years, though I may expand on these in the future.

Reporting on the news of all things Tolkien and Middle-earth.