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Tuesday, 26 November 2024

Christopher Tolkien Centenary: Heaton Park

The Critic and the Monster
A tale of a footnote, a boggart and a RAF base. 

Image: Christopher and JRR Tolkien (1945), Tolkien Estate
(from the Tolkien Collector’s Guide). Image source

It is not an understatement to say that this blog post has been three Tolkien Trewsdays* in the making and what I write here is only the beginning of my exploration.

Thursday, 21 November 2024

Christopher Tolkien Centenary – Recommended events and books

Recommended events and reading on Christopher’s Centenary

 This is a short blog post to highlight Centenary events and also books which either celebrate the work of Christopher or were written by Christopher, especially outside of his Legendarium output.

Christopher Tolkien Centenary - Rana’s Events present “Tears at Rivendell”

“Tears at Rivendell”
A LOTRO meetup and toast to
Christopher Tolkien on his
Centenary Birthday (

♪ Hwæt!

On this day, one hundred years ago, Christopher Tolkien was born in Leeds, England, to Edith and J.R.R. Tolkien.

Christopher Tolkien Centenary - Memories - Thorin's tassel and teardrops in Rivendell

The boy who dared to question Thorin’s
and the teardrop that fell on Rivendell
Moments within the life of Christopher Tolkien

On the eve of the centenary of Christopher Tolkien’s birthday (Born 21 November 1924) I wanted to highlight some of memorable anecdotes that Christopher and others have shared about his own life and memories of his father, J.R.R. Tolkien, and their family.

Monday, 4 November 2024

LOTRO Laurelin - RP-lite storytelling performance of "What the Bree-Town Rat Saw"

What the Bree-Town Rat saw: “Fawkes! The undoing of Gubzugoy the Unready”

Click image for larger version.