Blog index

Saturday, 24 June 2023

Tolkien Trewsday Week 17: Faërie – Tuesday 20th June 2023

Week 17: Faërie – Tuesday 20th June 2023
#TolkienTrewsday #TolkienTuesday #Tolkien

Welcome to #TolkienTrewsday #TolkienTuesday.

Saturday, 17 June 2023

Weekly Tolkien Round-up: Shire Post and Ninimiel’s gossip – 17 June 2023

Shire Post: 17 June 2023 🖃 

With the Shire Post I hope to return to a more frequent, weekly potentially, round-up of Tolkien-related news from book announcements, upcoming events, game news and more. And with a (potentially) more irregular Ninimiel’s gossip, I aim to cover LOTRO (The Lord of the Rings Online) news.

Monday, 12 June 2023

Tolkien Trewsday Week 16: Stories from the Past – Tuesday 13th June 2023

Week 16: Stories from the Past – Tuesday 13th June 2023
#TolkienTrewsday #TolkienTuesday #Tolkien

Welcome to #TolkienTrewsday #TolkienTuesday.

Tuesday, 6 June 2023

Tolkien Trewsday Week 15: Mountains/hills – Tuesday 6th June 2023

Week 15: Mountains/hills – Tuesday 6th June 2023
#TolkienTrewsday #TolkienTuesday #Tolkien

Welcome to #TolkienTrewsday #TolkienTuesday.

The hub for this Twitter-based event can be found here.

Thursday, 1 June 2023

The Middle-earth Bestiary HUB

The Middle-earth Bestiary

Bestiaries (A book of beasts, “bēstiārium” from Latin “bēstia” meaning “beast, animal”) were medieval books about animals following a long tradition of animal literature from the Classical period onwards. They had chapters on real and imaginary beasts, and their purpose was to both entertain and also teach Christian morals to the reader.

The Middle-earth Bestiary will provide information about where animals appear in the works/adaptions of J.R.R. Tolkien's world and what context they appear in. From the talking fox incredulously watching the group of Hobbits walking through the Shire in The Fellowship of the Ring to Sadoc Burrows declaring Elanor “Nori” Brandyfoot being part-squirrel in The Rings of Power, I hope to eventually provide a resource for fans and scholars to explore the animal kingdom in Middle-earth.

The Hall of Lore - Welcome

The Hall of Lore

Welcome to the Green Book of the White Downs blog which focuses on the life and works of J.R.R. Tolkien and adaptions made about Middle-earth. If you want to learn more about the blog name and where it came from, you can find that information here.

This page, the Hall of Lore, is your shortcut to the main sections of this blog, whilst the Archive will collect together blog posts of interest from the past.

Gaming in Middle-earth HUB

Gaming in Middle-earth HUB

This page will provide a Hub for any game-focused blog posts and quick-access information.